How Does ECG Monitoring and Interpretation Work?

ecg monitoring service

ECG stands for Electrocardiogram an essential part of cardiac anomaly diagnosis. Heart specialists or cardiologists usually suggest ECG testing to diagnose the heart condition of the patient and whether they are at risk of developing any heart condition.

So, if you are wondering how the ECG monitoring systems work and interpret heart conditions, keep reading. In this blog, we are going to explore how ECG Interpretation works and the common benefits of ECG interpretation in heart care.

How does ECG interpretation work?

ECG or Electrocardiogram monitoring plays a crucial role in heart care. So, if you wondering how ECG interpretation works, the answer is quite simple. ECG machine monitors heart functioning to interpret different heart conditions and their severity. Below, we will discuss how ECG reporting and interpretation works in detail-

·       Understanding regularities of heart rhythm

The first and most common ECG monitoring interpretation is understanding regularities or more specifically irregularities of heart rhythm. To interpret ECG or Electrocardiogram monitor for heart rhythm regularities check the QRS segment. It basically, represents the depolarization or electrical charging of the cells within the ventricles. In the QRS segment identify the R waves using 6 second strip test. Irregularities in R-R intervals Indicate conditions like arrhythmia.

·       Calculating heart rate

Another essential way ECG reporting interpretation works is by calculating heart rate. For this, take the radial pulse at the heart patient’s wrist, then match it with the number displayed on the cardiac monitoring system or get a print of a 6-second strip of ECG paper count the QRS complexes number, and multiply by 10 to get the accurate heart rate. Less than 60 beats per minute the heart rate is bradycardic, 60-100 bpm is normal, 100 – 150 bpm is tachycardic and above is dangerous.

·       Finding P waves

ECG monitoring and interpretation p wave also plays a crucial role. The p wave is the depolarization of the atria. You can find P wave is present on the Lead II on the cardiac monitor, followed by the QRS segment. Identifying the p wave in this location indicates electrical impulse began.

·       Measuring PR intervals

ECG or Electrocardiogram monitoring and reporting interpretation also includes the measurement of PR intervals. It is the measurement of the interval between the P wave and the beginning of the QRS segment. The normal PR interval is 3-5 small boxes on the ECG graph paper or  0.12-0.20 on the ECG monitor.

·       Measuring QRS segment

ECG reporting and interpretation also involves measuring the QRS segment. Usually, a normal QRS segment has 3 different graphical deflections, Q wave (first negative wave), R wave (positive wave above the isoelectic line), and S wave ( last negative wave after the positive wave. The normal QRS segment is 0.04-0.10 seconds while the prolonged QRS segment Indicates an anomaly in the heart functioning.

·       Observing the T wave

ECG or Electrocardiogram monitoring and interpretation also includes identifying the T wave. The T wave represents recovery or repolarization of the ventricles. You should find them upright in the Lead II and come after the QRS segment.  Noting the variation in T waves is important. T wave represents- low T wave low blood oxygen and high T wave Indicates hyperkalemia, etc.

  • Noting ectopic beats

Ectopic beats refer to the changes in the heart rhythm. They can also indicate abnormalities in the heart rhythms. It is crucial to note how many ectopic beats appear on the ECG report, their shapes and the intervals between the beats. It helps to understand if there are any premature beats.

  • Detecting the origin of the rhythm

ECG monitoring also includes detecting the source of the heart’s origin. The origin of different rhythms of the heart can be sinus, junctional, atrial, ventricular, etc. Closely observing heart rhythms through ECG cardiac monitoring can help one understand their sources.

  • Identifying the rhythm

After methodically analyzing the rhythms of the heart, one can identify the kind of heart rhythm in the context of the patient’s vitals and other aspects. Identifying the kind of heart rhythm is crucial for deciding on a treatment plan.

Recommended Post – Benefits of Remote ECG Monitoring for Hospitals


ECG monitoring solutions play an essential role in diagnosing and monitoring cardiac conditions and help heart specialists understand whether the heart is functioning well or not. On the other hand, advanced ECG solutions or machines help in helping patients monitor their heart functionalities remotely at home without the need for frequent hospital visits. Above, we have discussed how ECG interpretation works. At Heartnet India, you can find some of the most advanced ECG and heart monitoring solutions.

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